Thursday 10 November 2016



Sorcery works through drugs, alcohol, suggestive dancing, charms, and even the wearing of ritual makeup. But just as with divination, the ultimate goal is control, and to lure people away from worship of God.
(Galatians 5:19-21)
This passage of Scripture lists "sorcery" - witchcraft in the KJV and NIV - among the deeds of the flesh. The Greek word there is pharmakeia, from which we get the word pharmacy, the place where prescription drugs are available. In ancient times the pharmacist was one who mixed potions and poisons with which to influence or kill people. Today, illegal drugs enslave us and make us dependent on them. They waste our lives and our money.
Drug addiction affects the rich and poor alike.
Using sorcery, people attempt to control with drugs and evil spirits those things which God controls supernaturally by His love.

In reality, however, witchcraft is the calling forth of spiritual influences with the goal of controlling the will of another person and putting him or her in subjection to your own will. Witchcraft is the realm of the spirit dealing in domination. It works primarily through encouraging disobedience, which then opens the door to intimidation, manipulation, and control 

Witchcraft Within
In the two years I worshipped at this church, I witnessed the worst type of witchcraft in operation. This same minister preached at every service. We never held any revivals; we never discussed opposing opinions of theology; we heard no other messages from visiting preachers. Our spiritual diet consisted solely of things this one man wanted us to hear and know. Each Sunday his message dealt primarily with fire and brimstone. By instilling fear in our hearts, he was able to control his congregation.

 GEORGE BLOOMER (Witchcraft In The Pews)

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