Friday 11 November 2016

Jesus and Physical Pain

Jesus and Physical Pain

     •      Most of the healings that Jesus performed were intended to reveal His divine power and authority (John 9:2, 3, 32, 33).
     •      He healed people from all walks of life, both the untouchables and the well-off and well-connected.
     •      He did not heal everyone (Matt. 13:58).
     •      He recognized and dealt with the emotional side of illness—feelings of sadness, anger, disorientation, anxiety, conflict, fear, and aggression.
     •      He exhibited patience, compassion, and courage when confronting the sick.
     •      He never used spells, charms, incantations, drugs, incense, or herbs to ward off evil spirits or to heal people of their diseases. His power came directly from His person.
     •      He drew a parallel between physical sickness and spiritual need (Mark 2:15–17).
     •      He often linked the healing of disease with faith and the forgiveness of sins.
     •      He refused to see all sickness as a sign of God’s judgment.
     •      He refused to allow religious traditions and taboos to prevent Him from relieving pain and suffering.
     •      His power to heal threatened the established authorities.
     •      His immediate followers experienced the same power over physical maladies, a sign that their message was from God.
     •      Sometimes illness and death showed God’s judgment (Acts 5:1–11; 12:19–23).
     •      His followers were not spared from physical afflictions. God used their sufferings to form character.
     •      We can look forward to a time when suffering, sorrow, pain, and disease will come to an end (Rom. 8:18; Rev. 21:4).

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