Tuesday 5 January 2016



Kenute P. Curry

Life is a journey that we are all taking and we as instruments of God are only passing through Many roads point the way to our destiny, but only one road leads us all the way home. This road is marked with the footprints of Jesus and carries with it a gentle grace.
Set your course and fix your eyes toward heaven and in a little while you will see the lights of home. There are many things you will encounter along the way and trials that you will go through. The road will have many twists, turns and dangers. Attacks from Satan will batter you along the way, but just hold on to the truth that you are a child of God and you will soon be home. Yes, sometimes we will grow weary and feel like giving up and, that’s when God steps in and gives us extra grace to go the distance.
Jesus traveled this road once before and he will travel it with you if you let him. This road is stained with the blood of Calvary and carries with it a power greater than no other. Because of his love for you, Jesus died so that you could live an eternal life forever, sharing in the hope and joy of what is to come.
God watching over you. Jesus interceding for you. The Holy Spirit guiding you. Angels ministering to you. How can you go wrong with that? You are definitely on the right road with that combination. Nothing need not fear you; God is with you every step of the way.

In a little while you will be home.

© 2005, 2014 Kenute P. Curry. All rights reserved.

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