Monday 4 January 2016



Kenute P. Curry

There are many forms of deception and subtle trickery in this world. The repercussions are sometimes awful and tragic in the vilest form. Being deceived by someone or something is really callous and cold and leaves a stain of untold horrific consequences.
The deceiver, Satan, is the driving force behind all of the evil in this world. Many are deceived in one way or another by his cunning and malicious ways. Corruption abounds in people who are under his spell of deceit and mockery and spill out into the untruthfulness in every part of life that exists as we know it.
The outcome of dishonesty and lies are woven in with pretense and treachery. The weight of it all sometimes pulls us down to the ground, and we often find ourselves in situations that we are powerless to turn around.
When all seems hopeless, there is God, in every circumstance, no matter what it is. His Son, Jesus is always there reaching out with a loving and forgiving spirit to walk with you through every situation and  mend your broken heart, as if it were new again.
Open your heart and let him heal the scars that you’ve suffered with for so long. He wants to make you whole again so that you can be free from all the chains that Satan as bound you with. When Christ steps in all of the deceit, lies and treachery will vanish away and you will be made like new.
God is so much greater than anything Satan can or ever will throw at you. Nothing is impossible with God.

Keep your tongue from evil,
         And your lips from speaking deceit.
(Psalm 34:13 NKJV)

©2005, 2014 Kenute P Curry. All rights reserved.

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