Saturday 2 January 2016



Kenute P. Curry

The black sedan spun out of control as it swerved across the desolate strip of road. The sound of broken glass could be heard as it turned over and over to a sudden death halt. The lifeless body of the man lay still inside of the car, one arm dangling out of the window and his face cut and bleeding.
All of his life Jed had heard about God and all of his life he had always rejected God. He told family and friends that he had all of the time in the world, putting off the most important decision in his life; now, time had come to an unexpected end.
His spirit stood outside of the car looking at his body and the wreckage of the accident that had just occurred. He suddenly began to realize that he was dead. The air around him felt so cold and damp.
“This is not the way it is supposed to be” he thought. “Where is the bright light?”
There was no bright light for Jed on this day and there never would be, forever. The black, demonic figures stepped out of the shadows and started to approach him.
“Noooooo!” he screamed, “God help me!”
It was too late. He had the chance all of his life to trust God and accept the forgiveness of Jesus, but now impending doom was imminent for all eternity. The demons grabbed him and dragged him away to the screams of endless torment.
Dead silence filled the air all around the sedan, the silence of a tragic death and a soul lost forever. How sad was the fate of Jed, just like so many others.
God states in His Word:
Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation. (2 Corinthians 6:2, NKJV).
Don’t be like Jed; don’t let your soul go to a lost eternity without Christ. Let Jesus become a part of your life today and there will be rejoicing in Heaven.
The decision is yours. God is waiting for an answer. Will you let Him in or will you reject Him?


©2005, 2014 Kenute P. Curry. All rights reserved.

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