Thursday 1 August 2013


As it was in the Days of Lot……….

By Kenute Curry

(PART 5)


The book of Ezekiel 16:49-50 gives us more insight into the depravity of this city and its people. It states that Sodom was full of:

1. Pride - in which the heart lifts itself up above and against both God and man. Pride was the first sin that turned angels into devils, and the garden of the Lord into a hell upon earth. In their pride the Sodomites despised righteous Lot, and would not be reproved by him; and this matured them for ruin.

2. Food (Gluttony) - it was God’s great mercy that they had plenty, but in their great sin they abused it; ate to excess and drank to excess,  and gratified their lusts which was given them to be the support of their lives.

3. Abundance of Idleness - a dread of labor and a love of ease. Their country was fruitful, and the abundance they had, they came by easily. This was a temptation for them to indulge themselves in their laziness and sluggishness, which inclined them to all their repulsive filthiness which encouraged their desires. Idleness is an inlet to much sin.

4. Oppression - they did not strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. It is implied that Sodom weakened their hands and broke their arms. When they had so much wealth, power, interest, and leisure, they did nothing for the relief of the poor.

The LORD states in verse 50 that “they were haughty and committed abomination before Me.” These were the sins of the Sodomites. Their pride, the cause of their sins, is mentioned again with the horrid effects of the abominations which they committed before God. Men arrive gradually at the height of immorality and wickedness; but where pride has got the rising in a man, he is in the high road to all impure, filthy, unclean, and foul-smelling abominations.




1. List the four sins of Sodom as stated in Ezekiel 16:49-50.

2. Describe the sin of pride.

3. Describe the sin of food (gluttony).

4. Describe the abundance of idleness.

5. Describe the sin of oppression.

6. What happens when pride has got a rising in a man?



© 2013 Kenute P. Curry. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version of the Bible, © 1979, 1980, 1982, 1990, Thomas Nelson, Inc., Publishers.




1 comment:

  1. Study Guide Answers: 1. Pride, Food (Gluttony), Abundance of Idleness, Oppression. 2. Pride is when the heart lifts itself up above and against both God and man. 3. Abusing food in excess and gratifying your lusts by it. 4. A dread of labor and a love of ease. 5. When they had so much wealth, power, interest, and leisure, they did nothing for the relief of the poor. 6. He is in the high road to all impure, filthy, unclean, and foul-smelling abominations.
