As it was in the Days of Lot……….
By Kenute Curry
(PART 6)
went out to the men of Sodom and asked them not to do this evil thing. He said
“Look! I have two daughters who are virgins. I will give them to you and you
can do anything you want with them.” Lot’s suggestion was appalling and
outrageous. That he would risk the lives of his two daughters shows that while
he was right with God (2Peter 2:7-8), he had become content with some sins and
weak faith rather than leaving Sodom. But God was gracious to him because he
was righteous, by faith, before God. The men then tell Lot to move out of the
way, or they will do worse things to him than them. Quite possibly the angels
were beautiful, but the townsmen were too ignorant and godless to discern the
difference between godly radiance and human attractiveness. They started
pushing Lot back and were ready to break down the door. He was in danger of
being pulled in pieces by this outrageous mob. The two men who were staying
with Lot opened the door, pulled Lot inside, and then closed the door. They
struck the men outside of the house with blindness, so that they wore
themselves out trying to find the door. Homosexual deviation carries an
uncontrollable lust that defies restraint. Even when blinded they tried to
fulfill their lust.
The two men tell
Lot that if he has any other relatives in the city to take them out of this
place now. The LORD has heard of all the evil that is here, and he has sent
them to destroy it. Lot then went out and spoke with his sons-in-law who had
married his daughters, and told them to get out of Sodom, because the LORD was
going to destroy the city. They think that Lot is joking. The angelic guests
had completed their search and were about to bring down the judgment of God on
the city. In mercy, they offered an escape to Lot’s immediate family. There
were not sufficient righteous persons in the city for it to be spared (Genesis
19:13; 18:24–33). It was no time to trifle when destruction was just at the
door. Now or never they must make their escape!
What did Lot suggest to the men of Sodom?
What had Lot become content with?
What might be the reason that the men of Sodom wanted to get to the angels?
What did the angels do to the men of Sodom?
How did the angels warn Lot and his family?
2013 Kenute P. Curry. All rights reserved.
Scripture quotations are from the New King
James Version of the Bible, © 1979, 1980, 1982, 1990, Thomas Nelson, Inc.,
Study Guide Answers: 1. "I have two daughters who are virgins. I will give them to you and you can do anything you want with them.” 2. He had become content with some sins and weak faith rather than leaving Sodom. 3. Quite possibly the angels were beautiful. 4. The angels struck them with blindness. 5. The two men told Lot that if he has any other relatives in the city to take them out of this place now. The LORD has heard of all the evil that is here, and he has sent them to destroy it.