As it was in the Days of Lot……….
By Kenute Curry
(PART 4)
The two angels מַלְאָךְ [mal’ak
/mal·awk/] arrived at Sodom in the evening and Lot was sitting near the
gate. Lot’s fortunes had gone so well that he had become enmeshed in the
life of the city as a ruling elder. When Lot saw them he bowed his face down to
the ground and invited them into his house to spend the night. The angels told
him that they were going to spend the night in the city’s public square, but
Lot begged them out of concern to come, in an effort to protect them from the
known perversity of the Sodomites, so they complied. He prepared a meal for
them and they ate.
Before bedtime
the young and old men of Sodom surrounded Lot’s house, and called to Lot, that
he would bring the two men out to them, so that they could know them. The word
“know” translates in Hebrew as דָּעָה, יָדַע [ 1A3 yada` /yaw·dah/] which means, in this
instance, to know a person carnally or sexually. The men of
were aggressive homosexuals, bent on raping innocent travelers. Under the
circumstances, Lot showed great courage by inviting his guests to stay at his
house under his protection. The Sodomites had given themselves over to such
impurity that they wanted whatever they could get and whatever they hadn’t had
(Ephesians 4:18-19).
Where was Lot sitting when the angels arrived in Sodom?
Why did Lot beg the angels to come into his house?
What did the men of Sodom do before bedtime?
What did the men of Sodom ask of Lot?
2013 Kenute P. Curry. All rights reserved.
Scripture quotations are from the New King
James Version of the Bible, © 1979, 1980, 1982, 1990, Thomas Nelson, Inc.,
Study Guide Answers: 1.Lot was sitting near the gate. 2.Out of concern, in an effort to protect them from the known perversity of the Sodomites. 3.Before bedtime the young and old men of Sodom surrounded Lot’s house 4.Bring the two men out to them, so that they could know them