Sunday 23 April 2017

Only Christ can defeat demonic powers

Only Christ can defeat demonic powers

Without Christ a “legion” of humans cannot take authority over a single demon. However, Jesus the One and Only can instantly take authority over legions of demons. The climactic point of the story reveals an almost laughable irony. The demons begged to be cast into the swine rather than into the abyss. (If you think I’m going to say a word about deviled ham, you’re mistaken!)
The villagers came out of the woodwork only to find the talk of the region sitting at Jesus’ feet, dressed, and in his right mind. The people allowed fear to eclipse the life-changing facts, and they begged Jesus to leave. He could have healed them, saved them, taught them, sanctified them, and, for heaven’s sake, delighted them. But all they wanted Him to do was to leave them.
Jesus left the Gerasenes, all right. But not without a vivid reminder of who He was and what He could do. Long after they recovered from the swine-at-sea incident, there would still be a man about town with a restored mind and real dignity who couldn’t seem to hush. Christ told him, “Return home and tell how much God has done for you” (v. 39). How long do you think it had been since he had been home? Not back to the tombs, but home. Clothes on his back. Roof over his head. Soundness in his mind. A message on his tongue. So the man went and told all over town how much Jesus had done for him. All the demons in the air couldn’t stop him, for his knees had bowed to a new authority.

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