Saturday 22 July 2017

6. Many things are important, but only one thing is necessary (Luke 10:42).

6. Many things are important, but only one thing is necessary (Luke 10:42).

Ultimately, our relationship with Christ is the one thing we cannot do without.
His message is that many things are important, but one thing is essential: Him.
As we conclude, look at three simple words from Luke 10:42: “Mary has chosen.” That’s how it will always be. Right priorities will never choose us. They are a choice—in the midst of many other good ones. The word chosen comes from the Greek word eklego, meaning “to choose, select, choose for oneself.” We can’t choose what is necessary for anyone else, but we can certainly set an example. The remainder of the definition reads: “not necessarily implying the rejection of what is not chosen, but giving favor to the chosen subject, keeping in view a relationship to be established between the one choosing and the object chosen. It involves preference and selection from among many choices.” That’s what I love most about Mary and Martha. Their story started us laughing but ended with us really thinking. Shall we allow good to become the enemy of our best? The choice is ours.

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