Friday 27 January 2017

Chapter 3 - REFLECTION

Chapter 3 - REFLECTION

Meeting the real Jesus is no small thing! There is only one Lord and His name is Jesus, the One and Only! When He comes into your life you are never the same again. There is a healing process of your inner being that begins to take place. My conversion to Christ was in a sense like Paul’s on the Damascus road when he had been persecuting and breathing out threats against the Body of Christ, until suddenly, Jesus stopped Him in his tracks. I had been caught up in a lifestyle of homosexuality, alcohol, and partying until suddenly, Jesus stopped me in my tracks.  Both, opposite sides of the coin, but Almighty God made sure we knew who He really was, and that we would surrender our lives to Him. I remember the night very well. Looking up at the ceiling as I was lying in the bathtub, I said “God, if you are there, please come and take away all of this hurt and pain that I am feeling and replace it with your love.” He did just that. It felt as if a blanket of peacefulness came down over me and settled upon me, enveloping me in His love and compassion. Instantly I began to feel the healing process taking place and I was forever changed. I have no idea how long I was lying in the tub of hot water, but I just savored His redeeming love and grace as He comforted me. There is healing in Christ for every area and facet of your life, no matter what you’ve done or where you’ve been. He is Jehovah Rapha (yehōwāh rāp̱aʿ, Heb.), the God who heals!

In 2005, I wrote a total of eighteen spiritual stories, articles, and biblical subjects. It was then I realized that Almighty God had given me a unique gift for communicating His words and thoughts through the Holy Spirit on to paper. In 2007 a total of three articles were written, and also in 2008, as well. This gift stayed with me, for it was to be my destiny that God would bring me into eight years later in my life.

It was also in January 2005 that my alcoholic drinking began to taper off, ending in April 2005, due to the severity of Acid Reflux Disease (ARD).

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