Tuesday 24 January 2017

Chapter 3 - REFLECTION

Chapter 3 - REFLECTION

The Devil drew me into the gay clubs in Nassau with curiosity and enticement of a new and different kind, speaking his lies and deception into my mind. Beware! That is where the battlefield is, in the mind of your soul (2 Corinthians 11:3).  I had entered a new world of sexual lust and fulfillment, which was to lead me into endless sexual encounters with men. During this time in my life I encountered married men and Ministers of the Gospel with children who had their boyfriends on the side; whom they could run to at anytime for sexual comfort. Between the years of 2001 – 2004 I had relationships with three different men; the longest one lasting one year, three months, and twenty-nine days. Two of them were loving relationships; and one was a friendship, with the possibility of becoming more than just friends. It seemed as if I was the one who would always get hurt and thrown aside like a piece of trash; used and abused in these relationships that left me scarred and broken-hearted with my emotions being sprawled all over the place. I was looking for someone to really and truly love me for who I was, but did not yet realize that true, unconditional love is only found in Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

Someone might ask, “Why would you write about your sexual encounters with four different men in one day for it to be published so the entire world could read it?” I can understand why some people would question this, but situations like this happen within the LGBT community all of the time. Sometimes we put ourselves in these kinds of circumstances; other times we end up in the wrong place at the wrong time, allowing ourselves to be enticed into these lustful encounters. The LGBT community needs to know that there is a loving Savior who will forgive them if they will confess and repent of their sin, and wash them as white as snow.

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