Wednesday 30 November 2016

V. Rev. 5:12. “Worthy is the Lamb That was slain”

V. Rev. 5:12. “Worthy is the Lamb That was slain”

1. Worthy of what? Of all power, and honor, and glory.
And why? For He was slain for us.
This is why all men praise Him.

2. He is the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
He was fore-ordained to deliver us.

3. Sacrifice was always essential to true religion.
Christ’s sacrifice was foreshadowed of old.
It is commemorated now.
Our worship is one with that of Heaven.
Therefore we pray: “Lamb of GOD, That takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us.”
Life here is a preparation for eternal life.
Therefore worship here is a preparation for heavenly worship.
Therefore it should be made as like it as possible.
It should be bright, beautiful, and full of meaning.
Yet toned with sadness for our sins.

Resolutions.—To make public worship a greater reality to me.
To think of it as one with, and preparatory for, that of Heaven.

Text.—“Behold the Lamb of GOD.”

H. M. BENNETT (1881). Short Daily Meditations for Advent and Christmas

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