Wednesday 30 November 2016

IV. Rev. 4:1. “Behold, a door was opened in heaven”

IV. Rev. 4:1. “Behold, a door was opened in heaven”

1. JESUS is Himself the Door.
He is the only Way, and through Him alone we have access to the Father.

2. The atonement which He wrought has opened this door.
He has entrusted His ambassadors with the keys.

3. If we wish to enter by this door we must “knock, and it shall be opened.”
We must knock
      By prayer, faithful and constant;
      By communions, frequent and fervent;
      By meditations and aspirations.

4. We can see glimpses of future glory through this door.
Let us not have at the last to cry in vain: “LORD, LORD, open to us.”
If we watch, with loins girded and lamps burning, we may enter in by it into the city.

Resolutions.—I will try by every means to knock more earnestly.
I will watch and be ready always.

Text.—“To him that knocketh it shall be opened.”

H. M. BENNETT(1881). Short Daily Meditations for Advent and Christmas.

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