Friday 29 April 2016

Nelleken Jaspers (Anabaptist Martyr – Burned at the stake on 27 June 1570 – 19 years old)

Nelleken Jaspers (Anabaptist Martyr – Burned at the stake on 27 June 1570 – 19 years old)

Nelleken Jasper was 18 years old when she was tried for her faith at Antwerp, Belgium.

When Nelleken was in her mid-teens, the family came under the influence of Anabaptist teachings through friends who had joined the movement. Within a short time each of them made a deliberate step of commitment to Christ. But their freedom was short-lived. The Jasper family had been disciples for a little more than two years, when there was a raid made on Anabaptists in the city and environs of Antwerp. They, with many others were arrested and taken to prison in early spring, 1569.

Nelleken’s own joy in the peace and assurance she had about her relation with God was her life. Without this, living would not be life.

On June 27, 1570, the mandate was carried out and Nelleken was executed for her faith in Christ as the only Lord. She was taken to the city market and burned at the stake “for the testimony of Jesus Christ and his divine Word.” A short hymn was composed as a memorial to this young martyr that is known as “Regarding Nelleken Jaspers.”

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