Saturday 30 April 2016

DEAR FRIENDS - Nelleken Jaspers

DEAR FRIENDS - Nelleken Jaspers

Dear friends, I still have to go through a great desert, for it is desolate and dangerous here; yes, I have to walk through thistles and thorns. But the crown of life is prepared for us. For we have the right truth, and no other will ever be found. O my dear lambs, do not depart from the Lord. He will not permit you to be tempted above what you are able to bear; for he is a faithful supporter, a strength in weakness, and a comforter in sorrow to those who are afflicted in heart. Let us nestle close into his arms, and cast all of our care upon him, for he cares for us, and will himself watch over us; so that we may partake of the supper with all the saints in heaven, where Christ will gird himself, and serve at the table. And so I will commend you to the Lord, and to the mighty Word of his grace. May the peace of God rule in your hearts  

Nelleken Jaspers

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