Tuesday 9 February 2016


Marks of True Spirituality

 What does it mean to know God? What are the marks of true spirituality? Micah offers a summary by giving three primary virtues that are to characterize every one of God’s people: to do justice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with God (Mic. 6:8). This three-sided approach to life is balanced, unlike many of the fads and fetishes of modern spirituality. For example:
     •      To act with justice keeps one in the real world rather than getting bogged down in theoretical abstractions that actually ignore oppression and injustice.
     •      To love mercy keeps one in touch with the grace of a faithful God rather than succumbing to the tyranny of results-oriented spirituality, which tends to produce legalism, weariness, and burnout.
     •      To walk humbly with God keeps one dependent on the Lord’s resources rather than trusting in merely human solutions, which creates unrealistic pressure on individuals and institutions.

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