Tuesday 9 February 2016

COMPLAINT (Heb. rib)


 (Heb. rib) (6:2; Judg. 12:2; Prov 17:14; 18:6; Jer 11:20) Strong’s #7379: This word can mean “dispute” or “quarrel” in the sense of a feud (Judg. 12:2), “controversy” or “strife” (Prov 17:14; 18:6) prompted by a rebellious spirit (Num. 20:13; Prov. 17:14; 18:6), or even a “legal case” or “lawsuit” (Job 31:13, 35; Jer. 11:20). The prophets frequently used this word as a technical, legal term in contexts pertaining to the Lord’s covenant relationship with Israel (Jer. 25:31; Hos. 4:1; 12:2). In this chapter, Micah was informing Judah that God had registered a formal, legal complaint against His people. He was ordering them to stand trial for violating covenant stipulations forbidding idolatry and requiring social justice (6:2–16).

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