Thursday 7 January 2016



 Kenute P. Curry

Love? Logic? The two do not go together, even though some people in this world try to combine them. They try to reason love with logic to suit their own needs and ideas. These are the actions of warped, frustrated people who have nothing else better to do but sit home and conjure up all of these crazy things.
Maybe they need a little “Jesus” love, and then they would look at life differently. His love was and is the best example that can be given to anyone. Pure unconditional love that defies all of the logic in the world and still comes out on top in the end.
Mankind as always tried to reason out things one way or the other, but when it comes to true love, that is another story. You cannot explain by logic the very deep feelings between two people who are so in love with one another. Words cannot describe their mindset or their way of thinking.
How much more then can you explain the love God has for us? We can try, but we only scratch the surface, even if we do that. No logic of mankind can explain how a great, powerful, awesome God would love his people so much that He would send his Son Jesus down to this earth, to live and walk among us and eventually be nailed to a cross paying the penalty for our sin. That is REAL TRUE LOVE in and of itself.
Love as never been led by logic. Of course people would like to think so and they will do their best to make you believe it, but in the end God will win out, as he always does.
Jesus love always prevails.

©2005, 2014 Kenute P. Curry. All rights reserved.

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