Saturday 23 January 2016

SEEK (Amos 5:4)

For thus says the LORD to the house of Israel:

    “Seek Me and live (Amos 5:4)


 (Heb. darash) (5:4; Ezra 6:21; 7:10; Ps. 119:10; Is. 34:16; 55:6) Strong’s #1875: This Hebrew verb can be correctly translated “to inquire of,” “to ask,” and “to seek.” The term conveys the idea of “going to see” in the sense of personally verifying something said, or “searching for,” in the sense of pressing for an answer to a question. Amos encourages his audience to seek life in the living God, not in the dead idols of Bethel and Gilgal (5:4). The psalmist found help in times of trouble by seeking the Lord (Pss. 34:4; 77:2). On several occasions, the Israelites were encouraged to seek God by preparing their hearts for God through humble repentance (1 Chr. 16:11; 2 Chr. 30:19).

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