Wednesday 3 June 2015



ETERNAL WORLD (Revelation)

Division of light and darkness (1:4)

No night there (21:25)

Division of land and sea (1:10)

No more sea (21:1)

Rule of sun and moon (1:16)

No need of sun or moon (21:23)

First heavens and earth finished (2:1–3)

New heaven and earth forever (21:1)

Man in a prepared garden (2:8, 9)

Man in a prepared city (21:2)

River flowing out of Eden (2:10)

River flowing from God’s throne (22:1)

Tree of life in the midst of the garden (2:9)

Tree of life throughout the city (22:2)

Gold in the land (2:12)

Gold in the city (21:21)

Bdellium and the onyx stone (2:12)

All manner of precious stones (21:19)

God walking in the garden (3:8)

God dwelling with His people (21:3)

The Spirit energizing (1:2)

The Spirit inviting (22:17)

Bride formed from her husband (2:21–23)

Bride adorned for her husband (21:2)

Command to multiply (1:28)

Nations of the saved (21:24)

Garden accessible to the Liar (3:1–5)

City closed to all liars (21:27)

Man in God’s image (1:27)

Man in God’s presence (21:3)

Man the probationer (2:17)

Man the heir (21:7)

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