Thursday 4 June 2015

CURSED WORLD (Genesis) / REDEEMED WORLD (Revelation)

CURSED WORLD (Genesis)                                 REDEEMED WORLD (Revelation)

Cursed ground (3:17)

No more curse (22:3)

Daily sorrow (3:17)

No more sorrow (21:4)

Sweat on the face (3:19)

No more tears (21:4)

Thorns and thistles (3:18)

No more pain (21:4)

Eating herbs of the field (3:18)

Twelve manner of fruits (22:2)

Returning to the dust (3:19)

No more death (21:4)

Coats of skins (3:21)

Fine linen, white and clean (19:14)

Satan opposing (3:15)

Satan banished (20:10)

Kept from the tree of life (3:24)

Access to the tree of life (22:14)

Banished from the garden (3:23)

Free entry to the city (22:14)

Redeemer promised (3:15)

Redemption accomplished (5:9, 10)

Evil continually (6:5)

Nothing that defileth (21:27)

Seed of the woman (3:15)

Root and offspring of David (22:16)

Cherubim guarding (3:24)

Angels inviting (21:9)

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