Thursday 10 July 2014


We are God’s holy priesthood. As His priests, how do we respond to all we have learned in this study?
1 Peter 2:9 – we are the royal priesthood; the present priesthood.
Hebrews 12:14-28

The Attitude of Our Priesthood

1. Be dedicated to holiness (Hebrews 12:14).
No one is ever going to see the LORD in us unless we are dedicated to holiness. God is talking about radical measures. Everything that is flesh has to be crucified to the flowing-free of the Spirit of God. Godliness is a pursuit.
Joshua 3:5 – consecrated is to be set apart; to be sanctified to God. The amazing things of God always accompany the holy life.

2. Be mindful of grace (Hebrews 12:15).
If when we are living the sanctified life, it will still take grace to redeem us. God wants grace to be seen in us; and let others see the power of the Holy Spirit in us, because of the grace of God. Let it be evident in you. Continually pray for truth in humility. Holiness tempered by grace.

3. Be aware of your costly privilege (Hebrews 12:18-24).
God is saying to us “Come on up!” We God calls us up that mountain, we can either go, and have holiness provoked in our life; or we can stay in the bottom of that valley, and find ourselves throwing our jewelry in the fire every time; and having a calf jumping out.
Because of God’s Son, we have 24-hours a day; free access; and we will go a day without looking His way. If you can resist Him, you must misunderstand. You’ve been called up the mountain. Meet with Him there.

4. Be attentive to Him who speaks (Hebrews 12:25).
The good news is “He speaks.” The bad news is that we can choose not to listen. Do not refuse the One who speaks. We have to be going continually in God’s Word until we get an answer. We talk with God in His Word. Look for Him to answer:
A. It will be in the written Word.
B. Your Spirit will bear witness with the answer.
These two things will meet in agreement with the Holy Spirit. We give God our petition, and give God a chance to speak to us.

5. Be confident in a Kingdom that cannot be shaken (Hebrews 12:28).
There is coming a time when God is going to shake the things on this earth like He never has before; but God and His Word will remain firm. As surely as you close your eyes on this earth, you will wake up in the presence of God. It cannot be shaken.
Psalm 62:1-2, 5-7 – you cannot be shaken. Disappointment shakes us up. Let all of your expectation be in God. Only God can give you a contended spirit.

6. Be thankful (Hebrews 12:28).
Thankfulness is a practice that finally, ultimately, becomes a habit. We have to make a conscious effort to begin to be thankful; to watch God and to begin to thank Him continually, for what He is openly doing in our lives.

7. Be reverent (Hebrews 12:28).
Our worship will be acceptable when we have a reverence for Him. See Him as the Holy One, and somehow, take on the character of the merciful and tender One. The word “awe” here, means “an inner attitude of respect for God that is always externalized in demonstration.” If you really have an awe for God, it shows.

The Actions of Our Priesthood

1 Peter 2:4-5 teaches us that we are to offer spiritual sacrifices. What are some of these unique sacrifices?

1. According to Psalm 42:5, praise is the prescription for a downcast soul.
Hebrews 13:15-16 – the fruit of our lips is praise. If you want God to pull you up, walk in faith, by using your mouth to begin to praise God. God is in charge of your spirit, and He will lift up your spirit.

2. Romans 12:1: our bodies.
To offer your body acceptably to God is an act of worship to Him. We are the “tabernacle” that houses the Spirit of God. Until the spirit and soul depart from this body; how this body feels and how it is cared for, as a direct impact on the other two.

3. Philippians 2:17: the drink offering of our faith.
If what we are going through brings faith in others, thank God for it. If our life builds faith in someone else; that is the attitude that God desires for us to take on.
Each sacrifice involves a death to self.
It has to be a death to self, and Christ living through us. Our suffering has to be poured out as a “drink offering” to build up someone else’s faith; and for us also to be glad about it. That is a sacrifice. Today I stand as a free man, and I have made it. We have two choices:
A. We can let God use it as a drink offering to be poured out for someone else’s faith
Matthew 27:34
B. We can become bitter in our trials, that is, not an offering acceptable to God.
Christ does not accept bitter drink offerings, but He will gladly sweeten them, just as He did at Marah.
Forgive it, and you will be alright. Forgiveness is so that you will be able to free God up, to make it a drink offering that is of a sweet savor, and a sweet taste in His mouth. He will sweeten your bitter waters.
Sacrifices that take a death to self. There is nothing else that compares with the life you have in Christ.
Genesis 15:1 – Christ is your reward.

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