Thursday 24 April 2014



1 Samuel 16:18 – “The LORD was with Him” – is what made the breath of David’s personality what it was. In David’s life we see a glimpse of the Savior Himself. David plays the harp; he is a brave man and a warrior.
A. One of the only instruments you play holding it close to you.
B. A person who chooses to play the harp does not mind being alone; nor does he mind playing by Himself in an orchestra. It is someone who is quite natural being solo.
C. The harp is somewhat of a romantic instrument; with very deep and rich romantic tones.
D. A harpist is more passionate about his instrument than perhaps anyone else.
E. Any man who plays a harp will be a very tender man.
David was a brave warrior, and yet, a tender musician.


A. HE WAS THE WARRIOR (Joshua 5:13-6:2)
Commander of the Army of the LORD – pre-incarnate appearance of Christ. He said “I have not come to take sides; I have come to take over.”
B. HE IS THE WARRIOR (Acts 9:1-5)
Saul was persecuting the Christians, and Christ says “You mess with them; you mess with me.” Christ takes the things against us very seriously and very personally.
C. HE WILL BE THE WARRIOR (Revelation 19:11-16)
The crowns that we cast at His feet, Christ will place upon His own head. Crown Him with many crowns. Christ has a name that has never been profaned that He is saving for the Redeemed. We see just a glimpse of Him in the king to come, named David.

Luke 10:38-42
Mary - the Hebrew מרר m-r-r meaning "bitterness" (myrrh).
Luke 10:40 – Martha was distracted; her busy work became her focus. We have to keep our focus on Christ. One thing that we have to have in life is Jesus.

A. Martha and Mary acknowledged that Christ was LORD (John 11:3).
B. They were confident of His love (John 11:3).
C. They brought Him their specific need (John 11:3).
D. They did not lack faith (John 11:23-24).
When Christ shows up late in our need it gets frustrating to us.
Timing is perhaps more important to God even in our time – Adrian Rogers.
We do not understand His timing, but He is showing up just in time for greater glory. If you do not get what you asked for it is for greater glory.


The prevalent belief of that time was that a person’s spirit hung around, and that it would hover over the body for about three days. Christ in His timing was making absolutely sure that He had done everything to dispel anything that they could come up with; of how that spirit slipped right back into that body, and it had nothing to do with the Christ.
Many Jews – Christ wanted to make sure that many who were lost and scattered would see this miracle (John 11:19, 31).
One of Jesus’ greatest goals in our lives when we go through difficulties is that He wants to reveal Himself to us. There is something of Himself that He wants to show us. He wants us to see Him in that situation that we are going through.
John 11:28 – “Teacher” was the term of greatest acceptance to a woman. Jesus not only set Mary and Martha free of their sins, He invited them to Bible study, and said, “You may sit right here.”
John 11:28-32 – Mary had strong emotion in her words; she was devastated. When we have known some intimacy with the Savior, and we do not get what we asked for, it can really hurt our feelings. She fell at His feet and poured out her complaint.
“When you are going through a tremendous loss that is not when you are going to learn new truths about Christ; it is when you are going to draw on that which you have known. Later on in that process you will begin learning again.”
John 11:32-34 – the Greek word for weeping means taking on the form of every outward expression of grief; weeping and wailing. Jesus is tender to you; He is trustworthy when you pour out your complaint to Him. We will never be set free until we get it out and lay it before Him.
John 11:34-35 – Jesus wept. 
Notice these points:
A. Jesus did not say “He is in a better place.”
B. Jesus did not say “God will work all of this together for good.”
C. Jesus wept with her (Romans 12:15).


A. It is worth it even if it hurts to be connected with the Body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:26). If you don’t feel something when someone else is hurting, something is wrong. It is worth the tears; it is worth the risk.
B. When God’s Word has its way, it will never be just head-knowledge; it will be heart knowledge as well. Stay warm.
C. Deuteronomy 30:6 – Loving God is a work that He does, not you. Be willing to give Him your heart and tenderize it.

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