Monday 5 August 2013



8. fire: Transliteration: Strong’s H784 אֵשׁ [’esh /aysh/] n f. A Primitive word; TWOT 172; GK 836; 379 occurrences; AV translates as “fire” 373 times, “burning” once, “fiery” once, “untranslated variant” once, “fire + 800” once, “flaming” once, and “hot” once. 1 fire. 1a fire, flames. 1b supernatural fire (accompanying theophany). 1c fire (for cooking, roasting, parching). 1d altar-fire. 1e God’s anger (fig.).

The word “fire” translates as Strong’s H784 ’esh /aysh, the combustion of flammable materials. 1B translates it as “supernatural fire (accompanying theophany). In the context of Genesis 19:23-28, it represents Yahweh’s judgment on wickedness and unbelief. Our God here is represented as a “consuming fire.” In the New Testament, eternal damnation is pictured as an everlasting fire (1 Cor. 3:13; Rev. 21:8). Judgment fell in the form of “brimstone and fire,” and the inhabitants of these cities were never to see the light of day anymore.

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