Friday 9 August 2013



3. abomination: Transliteration: Strong’s H8441 תֹּועֵבָה [tow`ebah, to`ebah /to·ay·baw/] n f. Act part of 8581; TWOT 2530a; GK 9359; 117 occurrences; AV translates as “abomination” 113 times, “abominable thing” twice, and “abominable” twice. 1 a disgusting thing, abomination, abominable. 1a in ritual sense (of unclean food, idols, mixed marriages). 1b in ethical sense (of wickedness etc).

The word translated “abomination” is Strong’s H8441 tow`ebah, to`ebah /to·ay·baw. An abomination is something that is very disgusting and wicked in the eyes of JEHOVAH. That another man would lie down with another man and have sexual relations with him offended JEHOVAH with extreme disgust and loathing. It was impure, filthy, and unclean, and objectionable to a holy and righteous God. In this day and time, it is no different in the eyes of Yahweh. The Bible is the moral, ethical, and holy code for the people of God to live by. It is our road-map in this life to guide us. Sex between two males is still an abomination in the eyes of JEHOVAH. It goes against the order of creation and the laws of nature.

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