Tuesday 6 August 2013

As It Was In the Days of Lot.......ADDITIONAL RESOURCES


GOMORRAH [guh MOR ruh] (submersion) — one of the five “cities of the plain” located in the Valley of Siddim (Salt Sea or Dead Sea). Gomorrah is closely associated with its twin city, Sodom. Because these cities became the site of intolerable wickedness, they were destroyed by fire (Gen. 19:24, 28). The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah is often referred to in the Bible as a clear example of divine judgment against the vilest of sinners (Is. 13:19; Jer. 49:18; Amos 4:11; Matt. 10:15; 2 Pet. 2:6; Jude 7).

The current consensus places the “cities of the plain” near Bab edh-Dhra, the entrance to the “tongue” (Lisan) of land that juts out into the Dead Sea on its eastern shore.


ADMAH [AD muh] (red earth) — one of the “cities of the plain,” destroyed with Sodom, Gomorrah, and the other cities (Deut. 29:23).


ZEBOIIM [zeh BOY yim] — one of the five cities of the plain in the Valley of Siddim destroyed along with Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen. 10:19; 14:2). The prophet Hosea used Admah and Zeboiim (Hos. 11:8; Zeboim, KJV) as examples of God’s judgment on wicked cities. Many scholars believe Zeboiim was situated near the southern end of the Dead Sea in an area presently covered by water. Others believe it was located near the eastern shore of the Dead Sea.


ZOAR [ZOE ahr] (little) — an ancient city, apparently situated on the eastern shore of the Dead Sea (Gen. 13:10), and also known as Bela (Gen. 14:2, 8). It was one of five city-states in the area, each with its own king. Many scholars believe the site of Zoar to be es-Safi, at the foot of the mountains of Moab, about seven kilometers (4.5 miles) up the River Zered from where it empties into the Dead Sea.

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