Tuesday 30 July 2013

AS IT WAS IN THE DAYS OF LOT.........(Part 2)

As it was in the Days of Lot……….

By Kenute Curry

(PART 2)


The narrative next picks up in Genesis 18:16:

“Then the men rose from there and looked toward Sodom, and Abraham went with them to send them on the way.”

In the beginning of this chapter The LORD יהוה, יְהוִה [Yâhovah /yeh·ho·vaw/]   appears to Abraham in the terebinth trees of Mamre which was in the district of Hebron, west of Machpelah, where Abraham lived. It was noted for its large spreading trees that grew to a height of about 6 to 8 meters (20–26 feet) with reddish-green leaves and red berries in clusters. As Abraham looks up from the entrance of his tent, he sees three men אֱנׄושׁ, אֱנׄושׁ [’enowsh /en·oshe/] standing near him.  It seems that Abraham recognized his three visitors by his haste in running to meet them, and bowing before them low to the ground, and addressing one of them as “My Lord” אֲדֹנָי [’Adonay /ad·o·noy/]. The southern desert or the Negev (Genesis 12:9) can become very hot in the summer, reaching above 110° F, and this was in the heat of the day. He offers to bring some water and wash their feet, and get some bread for them while they rest under the tree.

Abraham hurries into the tent to his wife Sarah and asks her to quickly prepare some food for them, and they ate while Abraham stood under the tree. The Lord gives Abraham the promise that one year from now Sarah will have a son. Because of Sarah’s laughter, the LORD asks Abraham “Is anything too hard for the LORD?” The LORD then said that He would return to Abraham a year from now at the right time and Sarah would have a son. The men got up to leave and departed toward Sodom, and Abraham walked with them a short time to send them on their way.

It is quite clear from the context that one of the men was the LORD Jehovah, the self-existent and eternal God; and the other two men were angels who had assumed human form.


1. Where is Mamre located?

2. Describe how you think Abraham felt when he looked up from his tent and saw three men standing near him?

3. How did Abraham address one of the three men? Give your thoughts on this.

4. What promise did the LORD give Abraham?


© 2013 Kenute P. Curry. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version of the Bible, © 1979, 1980, 1982, 1990, Thomas Nelson, Inc., Publishers.




1 comment:

  1. Study Guide Answers: 1. In the district of Hebron, west of Machpelah. 2.He felt awe and reverence at this wonderful sight. 3. He addressed him as "my Lord" which in the Hebrew is "Adonai" which means Master. Apparently He recognized Him as the LORD Jehovah.4.That one year from now Sarah will have a son
