Sunday 4 June 2017

Consider a few reasons we are wise to let Christ assume our rejections

Consider a few reasons we are wise to let Christ assume our rejections.

            •       Only Christ can take rejection without being personally incapacitated or hindered by it. Who can begin to estimate the mileage Satan gets from rejection? We have an overwhelming tendency to take it personally. From a bit of rejection Satan can get anything from a mile of discouragement to a thousand miles of despair. Christ says to us, “Let Me take it personally for you. It can hurt Me, but it can’t hinder Me.” David had it right when he wrote, “Contend, O LORD, with those who contend with me; / fight against those who fight against me” (Ps. 35:1).
            •       Only Christ can properly respond to rejection. We are often powerless to do anything about it. Our attempts often make the situation worse. We don’t fully understand what lies at the heart of rejection. We cannot judge another person’s heart or motive but Romans 2:2 assures us that “God’s judgment against those who do such things is based on truth.”
If we suffer rejection, let Him worry about it. Let Him take it personally so we don’t have to.

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