Saturday 18 March 2017

Verse 14 records Jesus’ initial action:

Verse 14 records Jesus’ initial action

 “He went up and touched the coffin.” Picture the structure more like a stretcher than our Western concept of a coffin. The body was placed on a board and shrouded with burial linens. Now imagine Christ walking up and touching this burial slate.
The first thing we read after Christ touched the bier is that “those carrying it stood still” (v. 14). They probably stood there bug-eyed. You see, for anyone unnecessary to the interment process to risk touching the dead body was a serious no-no. Jesus was ritually defiling Himself. What they couldn’t have realized is that the Son of God could not be defiled no matter what He touched. One day soon He would literally take on the sins of the entire world while still remaining the perfect Lamb without spot or blemish.

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