Thursday 9 March 2017



LUKE 4:38–44
 He bent over her and rebuked the fever, and it left her. She got up at once and began to wait on them. (Luke 4:39)

We see the platform for Christ’s ministry broaden from the synagogue to include the home. What a relief to know that God doesn’t just go to church, He goes to our homes!
He lives in the hearts of those who trust Him and in the homes of those who provide Him room. Sometimes we don’t bother to summon Jesus Christ into our homes until we are overwhelmed by threatening circumstances.
Aren’t you thankful we can summon Christ’s intervention on another person’s behalf? Aren’t you also thankful that others have summoned Him on yours? Our homes today are threatened by fevers of all sorts—far beyond the physiological: unresolved conflict, unforgiveness, unfaithfulness, compromising media communications, pornography, and more. We need Jesus in our homes.
God is so faithful. He can use the worst of circumstances to introduce us to the best of relationships. I am intrigued by the fact that Simon’s mother-in-law immediately began serving Christ and the others. Few people are more compelled to serve than those who have experienced the healing power of Christ.

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