Wednesday 3 June 2020

MARK 13:28-33

MARK 13:28-33

In this section the fig tree is used as a symbol of Judah, or the Jewish people. It speaks, as we have seen already, of Israel nationally. When the fig tree puts forth her leaves one may know that summer is near. So when these things come to pass—when the Jews once more acquire national consciousness and the predicted signs begin to come to pass, all may know that the consummation, the coming of the King, is at hand. Until that day the unbelieving generation of the Jews will abide. All Satan’s efforts will be unable to destroy them.
No matter how unbelievers may scoff, God’s Word will stand. Heaven and earth may pass away, but His words never.
It is useless to try to work out some chronological system in order to locate the time of His coming. This is a secret, unrevealed even to angels, and as Man on earth the Son Himself chose not to know. It is the Father’s prerogative to set the time, as Jesus also declared in Acts 1:7. How slow men have been to accept this, and what blunders they have made by attempting to compute the time of His return!
It is for us to take heed to His words, to watch and pray, as we wait for the fulfillment of His promise.

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