Monday 25 May 2020

MARK 12-41-44

MARK 12-41-44

“Jesus sat over against the treasury.” He does this still. He takes note of all that is given for the maintenance of the testimony of God and the relief of human wretchedness. It is evident that a box for contributions was placed at or near one of the entrances to the temple courts, where the faithful might put their contributions for the upkeep of the worship and service of the Lord.
Jesus looked on and observed “how the people cast money into the treasury.” He took note of the amounts put in and the manner in which this was done. Doubtless many gave very ostentatiously, anxious that others should give them credit for great generosity.
There came a poor widow who, as she passed the box, threw in “two mites, which make a farthing,” possibly all she had earned that day by hard work in the service of some rich family.
Now heaven’s method of computing values is altogether different to that of earth’s. We are accustomed to judge by the amount given. The Lord estimates the value of the gift by the amount one has left! So Jesus testified, “I say unto you, That this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury.” He proceeded to show how He arrived at so amazing a conclusion. The rich had cast in out of their abundance. After making their contributions they had vast sums left to use as they chose. But the widow had held back nothing. She had cast in all her living; that is, all her earnings for the entire day. Such is heaven’s way of recognizing gifts for the work of the Lord!

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