Thursday 14 May 2020

MARK 11:27-33

MARK 11:27-33

MARK 11:27-33 - On this day Jesus found Himself opposed in various ways by the religious leaders, but in each instance He put them to silence by His answers.
They first challenge Him as to the source of His authority for cleansing the temple in the way He had done. He refused to answer, but questioned them instead. “The baptism of John, was it from heaven, or of men?” The right answer to this would be the answer to their question. If they admitted that John was sent by God then the claims of Jesus were established, for John had declared Him to be the Promised One who was to baptize with the Holy Spirit and with fire—something which none but Messiah could do. 

  These cunning legalists debated among themselves as to how they should reply. If they admitted John was God’s messenger to Israel they faced the inevitable question, “Why then did ye not believe him?” If they denied his divine commission they feared the people who firmly believed that John was a prophet. So they evaded the real question by answering, “We cannot tell.” Jesus replied, “Neither do I tell you by what authority I do these things.” 

   He was ready always to help honest inquirers. But these men were hypocritical objectors to His testimony, and were determined not to believe Him when His very works attested His Messianic title and proclaimed Him to be that Servant of Jehovah of whom Isaiah wrote, and for whom Israel had waited so long.

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