Friday 1 May 2020

MARK 10:46-52

MARK 10:46-52

MARK 10:46-52 - “BLIND BARTIMAEUS … sat by the highway side begging.” To this poor, sightless mendicant the coming of the Lord Jesus that day was to mean the opening of his eyes, both physically and spiritually. “He began to cry out, … Jesus, Thou Son of David, have mercy on me.” He did not wait for Jesus to call him first, but “when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth,” he immediately cried out for the help he so sorely needed. Surely, such faith must have gratified the heart of the Lord.  

Many of those who were in the crowd that followed Jesus as He passed through the city tried to silence the blind beggar, but his was a faith which refused to be deterred by their objection, and he continued to cry out, “Thou Son of David, have mercy on me.” Assured in his soul that Jesus was, in very truth, the predicted Messiah, the Offspring of David, he knew that Jesus could open his eyes if His attention could but be attracted. 

  Faith like that of Bartimaeus never pleads in vain. The Lord inquired tenderly, “What wilt thou that I should do unto thee?” He knew well the desire of Bartimaeus’ heart, but He desired him to make a public confession of his need. “Lord,” cried Bartimaeus, “that I might receive my sight.” 

   “Immediately he received his sight, and followed Jesus in the way.” His faith was at once rewarded. Jesus granted his request and gave him the additional assurance, “Thy faith hath made thee whole.” In his exuberance and gratitude Bartimaeus followed Jesus as He went along the way; though there is no evidence that he was called to give all his time to witnessing for Christ.
What a testimony he had to give to the compassion and healing power of Him whom he had acclaimed as the Son of David! 

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