Thursday 8 June 2017

The servants’ victory

The servants’ victory

 “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children” (v. 21). You see, the wise and learned of this world are often too sophisticated to throw caution to the wind and believe they’re capable of doing something they’ve never thought possible. If we stay in our neat little perimeters of safe sophistication where we walk by sight and not by faith, we’ll never have room to leap and skip with Jesus in ecstatic joy.
Oh, beloved, give Him a chance to leap and dance over you! Dare to do what He’s calling you to do! And don’t always be so reasonable. I have a feeling there’s one thing Christ likes better than leaping and skipping and dancing over you. How about with you? When you hear that victory music playing, get up out of that chair and shake a leg!

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