Wednesday 7 June 2017

Satan’s defeat

Satan’s defeat

“I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven” (v. 18). According to Revelation 12:10–12, Satan was cast out of heaven for pride, rebellion, and his desire to usurp the Most High (Ezek. 28:16–17; Isa. 14:12–13). At the risk of oversimplification, Satan has attempted to get back at God ever since by targeting those He loves.
We who are in Christ possess the power through God’s Word and His Spirit to avoid being defeated by the evil one. Problem is, we don’t always exercise that power. In Luke 10, the disciples exercised the authority He had given them, and Christ was ecstatic! At the end of the contest recorded in verses 1–16, the scoreboard read: Believers 72, Satan 0. That was a score Jesus could have spilled His popcorn over! When was the last time you got excited over the defeat of the devil?

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