Friday 30 June 2017

A comparison of the crowns - Revelation 12:1-3

A comparison of the crowns.
Revelation 12:1-3

Verse 3 – the seven diadems.
It will appear at the end of days, and in the consummation of the ages, as if the Devil has complete dominion over the entire world; but it is a counterfeit authority, and he will be overturned by the King of kings and the Lord of lords.
Revelation 7:14
He wears seven "διάδημα diádēma, Gk” to show that he has complete dominion over the peoples of the earth. “Diadem, not a crown but a filament of silk, linen, or some such thing tied around the head as a symbol of royal dignity.”

Verse 1 – the one victor’s crown.
This is a στέφανος stéphanos, Gk” crown or a “victor’s crown,” referred to several times in the New Testament, as part of our rewards for faithfulness. It is the emblem of royal dignity (Rev. 6:2; 12:1; 14:14), ascribed to saints in heaven.
We will receive the Crown of Life for all those that love His appearing.
There is also the Martyr’s Crown.
The crown referred to here is the Victor’s Crown.
The enemy may come wearing arrogant dominion and authority, but when all is said and done, he never gets to wear the victory.

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