Friday 17 February 2017



LUKE 2:39–50
 “Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?” (Luke 2:49)

“Listening.” I’m so thankful Christ not only speaks, but He also listens. We don’t know if God allowed twelve-year-old Christ to exercise His full omniscience or to unleash just enough wisdom to astound His listeners. I love the fact that Christ still listens—but not to learn, since He knows all things. Rather, He allows us to pour out our hearts.
“Asking them questions.” Christ not only listened, but also He asked questions. Contrary to popular belief, faith is not the avoidance of questions. Our faith grows when we seek answers, and we find many between Genesis 1:1 and Revelation 22:21. We may hear a gentle, “Because I said so,” to those God chooses not to answer, but I don’t believe our heavenly Father is offended by questions. Part of Christlikeness is learning to listen and ask appropriate questions, even of those you respect in the faith.
“His answers.” My favorite part! Not only did Christ listen and ask questions, but Luke 2:47 tells us He answered them! As we study, we may see several examples of Him posing a question that only He could answer. Christ certainly uses that teaching method with me. Sometimes He’ll cause me to dig through Scripture for a question He seemed to initiate. Other times the question may come as a personalized whisper in my heart: “Beth, why are you acting that way?” Often my honest answer is: “I don’t know, Lord! Can You tell me why?” If I really search His heart, sooner or later He’ll give me insight into my reactions. As He reveals my insecurities and fleshly defense mechanisms, understanding makes me more cooperative with the subsequent changes.

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