Tuesday 7 February 2017



In a peculiar kind of way, God the Father allowed His Son to be “adopted” into a family on earth so that we could be adopted into His family in heaven.

I’m sure Mary wasn’t looking for an angelic encounter that day, but if a town could have eyes to see, Nazareth should have been looking. Nazareth means “watchtower.” A watchtower was a compartment built at a strategic place on the city wall for the designated watchman. He was one of the most important civil servants in any city. From the watchtower, the watchman stayed on red alert for friend or foe. Two thousand years ago, Nazareth received an unfamiliar friend.
Matthew 2:23 records a prophecy handed down orally through the generations: “So was fulfilled what was said through the prophets: ‘He will be called a Nazarene.’”

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