Sunday 19 February 2017



In Luke 2:52, God states Christ’s favor with men, but throughout the Gospels He demonstrates it. Fishermen don’t leave their nets to follow someone void of personality. People didn’t just respect Him—they liked Him. The word favor is undeniably related to the word favorite. I don’t believe we are stretching the text in the least to say that Christ was a favorite of many who knew Him.
Think for a few moments of the different characteristics of people who tend to capture your favor. Unless those characteristics are inconsistent with godliness, in all likelihood Christ possessed them. I can readily share a few of my favorite characteristics in people: godly, warm and personable, at least somewhat demonstrative, knowledgeable in a specific area so I can learn from them, trustworthy, and funny!
I believe Christ had a warm smile and a great sense of humor. If you can’t imagine a godly person as funny, I know some folks you need to meet. The older I’ve become, the more I’ve asked God to purge my personality of anything that is inconsistent with godliness. I stopped giving place to inappropriate humor a long time ago, yet dozens of times a week I laugh so hard I can’t sit up. Not only are my husband and children hilarious, but also my coworkers and I laugh hysterically over things that are neither off-color nor unkind. I am convinced laughter is as much a gift of expression as tears.
Proverbs 17:22 says “a cheerful heart is good medicine.” Can you imagine that Christ, the Great Physician, would not have used such an effective medicine? Good humor and laughter are far too wonderful not to come straight from the heart of God. One of the surest characteristics of a healthy little one is cackling laughter and smiles. Christ dearly loves for us to come to Him as little children.

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