Monday 27 February 2017



In Matthew 3:16 we’re told, “At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting on him.” Try to picture that with me. What in the world does heaven look like open? I mean somebody just explain that to me. Back in Genesis 1 God created the heavens and the earth, and He separated the expanse from the waters, and He called that expanse the sky. I can’t help but think, He called it into being. He put it in its place. He can open it if He wants to! He opened up the sky like a window, and showed Christ the vision through it.
This event also makes me think of Stephen, the very first martyr, because heaven was opened to him and he saw Jesus Christ standing at the right hand of God on his behalf. What I want you to understand is that heaven is right there. We look up at that sky and the expanse of the stars. He is literally just an open window from us, sitting on His throne, and His presence is in us and on us. God upon His throne is near. We just cannot see it.
On this special occasion God did something unusual. He opened up that window, and Christ looked straight into heaven. It had been a long time since He had seen that vision. I believe part of God’s purpose for sending Jesus here is to experience life as we do. That means I don’t believe He had X-ray vision every single second into the throne room of God. I believe that many times He prayed, meditated, and had relationship in the very same ways we do today. So what a time that must have been to capture that moment when He could see heaven open and the Holy Spirit descend

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