Friday 20 January 2017

An angel delivered the birth announcement through a dream to Joseph in Nazareth (Matt. 1:18-23).

An angel delivered the birth announcement through a dream to Joseph in Nazareth (Matt. 1:18-23). 

An angel delivered the birth announcement through a dream to Joseph in Nazareth (Matt. 1:18-23). Consider the profound significance of the title Immanuel. The Greek Emmanouel is transliterated from the Hebrew Immanu’el. El means God. The rest of the word means with us.Literally, the term means the with us God.
Emmanu – with us / El – God. The “with of God, the with us kind of God” is why we even exist. He created us to be with us. God created in every single one of us a “with me.” Everyone created on this planet has a need for God – a need for the “with of God.”
Exodus 33:1-3 – God says “I am sending you on, because my name is faithful, but I’m not going with you. I am going to give you everything you want, but there is just one catch, I am not going with you. I am faithful, even when you are faithless.”
Exodus 33:15 – If we knew what Moses knew, we would say to God “no deal.” Moses said “I would rather stay out here in the thorns and the briers, in the middle of the wilderness, and have you; than to be in the land of promise, have everything we need, and not know your presence.”
Exodus 33:11 – God spoke to Moses – it was the intimacy of relationship. He had known Him so well; he said “Nothing is worth that to me.” God wants us to know Him that well.
God with us – the Word made flesh dwelling among us – the “with of God” to walk in our midst. Once we know true intimacy with the Lord Jesus Christ – the “with of God,” nothing in the world compares.

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