Sunday 4 December 2016

XI. Rev. 11:15. “The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our LORD, and of His CHRIST”

XI. Rev. 11:15. “The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our LORD, and of His CHRIST”

1. In a sense, they are so now.
The Great Powers of the world are nominally Christian.
Heathen Rome became Christian, and then made way for other Christian Powers.

2. In another sense they have not yet become so.
Satan still reigns supreme over vast tracts of the world; and even in nominally Christian lands he has great power.

3. Well may we long for the time when all his power shall cease.
Then all the kingdoms of this world will be subject to GOD and to His anointed One.
This is what we should pray for.
We must pray continually, “Thy kingdom come,” and we must try to spread that kingdom in every way that we can.

Resolutions.—I will pray more for, and will give more to, mission work.
I will offer myself continually to GOD, to use me, as He shall see fit, for the good of others’ souls.

Text.—“Alleluia: for the LORD GOD Omnipotent reigneth.”

H. M. BENNETT (1881). Short Daily Meditations for Advent and Christmas.

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