Monday 5 December 2016

A Patient Believer

A Patient Believer

 There was nothing special about Simeon that qualified him to take up the Christ child in his arms and bless Him (Luke 2:28). To our knowledge he was not an ordained religious leader, and he had no credentials or special authority. He was simply a “just and devout” man who had a close walk with the Holy Spirit (2:25–27).
 Thus, Simeon, whose name means “God hears,” is an example of how God honors those who engage in lifetimes of quiet prayer and constant watchfulness. Simeon was a man of patient faith, yet his wait for the Messiah must have seemed interminable. He likely had many opportunities for doubt, as numerous would-be Messiahs sounded false alarms in the land.
 Yet somehow he knew that the Redeemer would first come not as a great, heavenly champion wrapped in banners of nationalism, nor with a political agenda of violence, but as a Baby carried in the arms of His parents. His kingdom would prove to be a stumbling block to some and the Rock of salvation to others, both Jew and Gentile. Simeon also knew that the young couple standing before him would be hurt by the controversy that would eventually surround their Son (2:34, 35).

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