Wednesday 16 November 2016



You can always tell when manipulation is at the forefront of a relationship, simply by noticing the obvious, and sometimes not so obvious signs:

1. One partner is always belittled by the other in public.
2. One partner lives as if he or she is still single while the other remains secluded at home.
3. Affection in the relationship consists of one person doing all the giving while the other does all the taking.
4. One partner is "brainwashed" to the point of quoting the manipulating partner's distorted versions of Scripture,
5. One partner always seems on edge, unhappy, and defeated while the other maintains a happy-go-lucky attitude and visage.

No one should be expected to remain in a situation where physical or emotional abuse has gotten to the place where a person's well-being feels threatened. In such cases, separation is the only remedy for the safety of all parties.

GEORGE BLOOMER (Witchcraft In The Pews)

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