Sunday 20 November 2016

The Women Around Jesus

The Women Around Jesus

 Jesus went to His death attended by a loyal following of women who had stood by Him throughout His ministry (John 19:25). Women played a major part in Jesus’ life and work. It was a woman or women who …
     •      nurtured Him as He grew up (Luke 2:51);
     •      traveled with Him and helped finance His ministry (8:1–3);
     •      listened to Him teach (10:39);
     •      were featured in His parables (Matt. 13:33; 24:41);
     •      shared the good news that He was the Messiah (John 4:28–30);
     •      offered hospitality to Him and His companions (Mark 1:29–31);
     •      were treated by Him with respect and compassion (John 4:5–27; 11:32, 33);
     •      were healed by Him (Matt. 9:20–22; Luke 13:10–17);
     •      were praised by Him for their faith (Mark 7:24–30);
     •      were commended by Him for their generosity (12:41–44);
     •      worshiped Him and prepared His body for burial before His crucifixion (Matt. 26:6–13);
     •      stood by Him at the Cross (27:55; John 19:25);
     •      assisted in His burial (Mark 16:1; Luke 23:55—24:1);
     •      first saw Him resurrected (John 20:16); and
     •      went to tell the rest of His followers that He was risen from the dead (20:18).

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