Tuesday 29 November 2016

II. Rev. 2:2. “I know thy works”

II. Rev. 2:2. “I know thy works”

1. Our future Judge knows all our works:
Good works, under the guidance of His Holy Spirit;
Evil works under the guidance of
      The Evil One;
      Our own lusts and passions;
      This wicked world.

2. We have a work to do
      For ourselves: to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling.
      For others: to lead them into the way of righteousness.

3. Our daily work in the world is a work for GOD.
No pretended spiritual work must be allowed to interfere with it.

4. All things are naked and open in GOD’S eyes. He knows them.
Darkness cannot hide us.
Distance cannot remove us.
Multitude cannot distract His attention from us.

5. It is of the greatest importance what He knows about us.
On it depends our eternity.

Resolutions.—To offer every work to GOD before undertaking it.
To perform every work as unto Him.

Text.—“Commit thy works unto the LORD.”

H. M. BENNETT (1881). Short Daily Meditations for Advent and Christmas.

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