Saturday 17 September 2016

Does God Work on Sundays?

Does God Work on Sundays?

 Jesus offered an odd retort to His critics in the controversy over observance of the Sabbath (John 5:16–17). God “rested” from His work on the seventh day of creation and “sanctified” it (Gen. 2:2, 3), or set it apart as something special. Later, one of the Ten Commandments made the seventh day a holy day, a Sabbath or day of rest in Israel (Ex. 20:8–11). This should not be confused with Sunday, which celebrates the resurrection of Christ from the dead.
 According to rabbinical legal tradition, the healed man was violating the Sabbath rest by carrying his bed (John 5:10), as was Jesus by healing him on that day (5:16). But Jesus said that even God “breaks” His own Sabbath by continuing to work (5:17). Even though He has completed the Creation, He continues to maintain it and provide for His creatures—even on Sundays.
 The point was that it’s never the wrong day to do good.

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