For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.
John 1:17 Throughout the NT, grace is God’s favor expressed to sinful humankind apart from any human works or worth. law was given through Moses: John is not denigrating the law or Moses in this verse. Law and grace in the OT were not antithetical. Persons in the OT who were under the law were also saved by grace. The reference for the teaching here is probably Ex. 34:6, 7. In Ex. 34:6, 7a, Yahweh is seen as merciful and forgiving sin, while Ex. 34:7b says He will not clear the guilty. This conflict is reconciled in Jesus, who brings grace (forgiveness) and truth (judgment of law on sin) together in His person. He receives the judgment for sin in His body and consequently forgives the transgressors. John is not saying that Moses began the law but Jesus brought grace. He is only saying that in Christ grace and truth became full. Though there was abundant grace and truth expressed by God through the Law He gave Moses, it is in the person of Jesus Christ that grace and truth are realized to the fullest.
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